Shipping: Products are shipped by UPS Ground. Orders placed Monday through Friday will be processed within 48 hours.
Shipping prices are calculated by item cost totals.
International and Expedited Orders: To place international orders or expedite an order, please phone Concern America at 1-800-CONCERN (266-2376) or email [email protected] (hours of operation: 8:00am – 5:00pm, PST, Monday-Friday).
Refund Policy: No refunds after 30 days from date order was placed. Refund for cost of item(s) only, and item(s) must be received before refund is issued.
Privacy: Concern America wishes to assure its customers and donors that it has a policy of never selling, lending, sharing, giving, leasing, renting, and/or exchanging, in any way, the personal/private information of its customers and donors with any other not-for-profit or for-profit entity or individual. This includes an assurance that Concern America does not engage in searching internet sites that provide confidential financial information on individuals. Concern America respects the privacy of each and every customer and donor.
Secure Transactions: All credit card transactions are safe and secure through Concern America does not store your credit card information.
Concern America: 1-800-CONCERN (266-2376)
Shipping prices are calculated by item cost totals.
International and Expedited Orders: To place international orders or expedite an order, please phone Concern America at 1-800-CONCERN (266-2376) or email [email protected] (hours of operation: 8:00am – 5:00pm, PST, Monday-Friday).
Refund Policy: No refunds after 30 days from date order was placed. Refund for cost of item(s) only, and item(s) must be received before refund is issued.
Privacy: Concern America wishes to assure its customers and donors that it has a policy of never selling, lending, sharing, giving, leasing, renting, and/or exchanging, in any way, the personal/private information of its customers and donors with any other not-for-profit or for-profit entity or individual. This includes an assurance that Concern America does not engage in searching internet sites that provide confidential financial information on individuals. Concern America respects the privacy of each and every customer and donor.
Secure Transactions: All credit card transactions are safe and secure through Concern America does not store your credit card information.
Concern America: 1-800-CONCERN (266-2376)